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This page will be updated as soon as we get the dates 

SENIOR AWARDS: Wednesday, May 7th 

Senior Awards is an invite only event.  Graduates and their families should arrive by TBD as awards start promptly at TBD.  Graduates will line up and enter the auditorium together as the Class of 2025.  For some this may be the first time you wear your cap and gown in public.  Please make sure you take your gown out of the package and hang it so that the wrinkles will come out prior to the service.     

Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal: Tuesday, May 27th @ 10:30am

Seniors will meet at the Ocean Center for rehearsal and should enter at the Exhibit Hall, which is located on the west side of the Ocean Center.  Seniors must provide their own transportation to rehearsal. Graduates must attend this rehearsal in order to participate in the graduation ceremony: TBD Graduates should report to rehearsal by TBD . For rehearsal only, parking in the South Parking Lot (west of the Peabody Auditorium) is FREE.  If you park in the parking garage, you must pay the metered price.  Do not bring or wear your cap and gown to graduation practice!  School appropriate dress is required. 

Class of 2025 Graduation:

Arrive at the Ocean Center and report to the Exhibit Hall by TBD on the west side of the Ocean Center.

Once you enter the Exhibit Hall you MUST remain in the Exhibit Hall.  Family and friends ARE NOT allowed in the Exhibit Hall.  Parents and guests may enter the Ocean Center one hour before graduation start time. 

Disrespectful or disruptive behavior that interferes with or detracts from the dignity of the occasion, including but not limited to, the use of noisemakers, air horns and other disruptive devices or behaviors, shall be grounds for removal from graduation ceremonies. 

Graduation Dress Code:   Students must follow this dress code.  Students who do not follow dress code may not be allowed to walk.

Graduation Dress:  GREY CAP & GOWN ATTIRE


  • White collared dress shirt, dark tie or school colored tie (ORANGE or SILVER/ DARK GREY), black socks, black dress slacks, and black dress shoes. 
  • Black dress.  Dress should go to the mid-thigh and not hang below hemline of graduation gown.  Black shoes/dress sandals (not flip-flops) - no more than 2-inch heel.  No large earrings (2 inches or smaller is acceptable). 

Graduation Dress: Excellence in Orange Graduation Cap & Gown Attire


  • May wear a white dress with white or neutral colored/beige shoes.

All Graduates be advised of the following:

  • Students must follow the dress code.  Students who do not follow dress code may not be allowed to walk. 
  • Cap must be worn two (2) finger widths above space between eyebrows.
  • Honor Cords for Mu Alpha Theta, Quill and Scroll, Rho Kappa, National Honors Society, Tri-M, English Honors Society, and Honors designation will be worn around the collar.  No other cords will be permitted.
  • Daytona Beach News Journal Medallion of Excellence medals are permitted.
  • Valedictorian, Salutatorian, SGA President, and Senior Class President will wear a stole with title around collar.  No other stole or designation will be permitted.
  • FFA, JROTC, Culinary, Senior Class Officers, Key Club, and athletes (varsity pin, service bar(s), scholar athlete) have approved graduation pins that can be worn on the graduation ribbon with school crest.
  • Tassel on right side before graduation, left when indicated in the ceremony.
  • Line must be ready to move 15 minutes prior to time exercise begins.
  • No gum chewing.
  • No slogans or any other writing on caps or gowns.
  • No personal items are allowed in the ballroom.
  • Parents are NOT allowed in the graduation ballroom.
  • Graduates will exit through the front entrance of the Ocean Center.  This is off A1A, across from the Hilton Hotel. 
  • Families and guests must meet the graduates outside the front of the Ocean Center.  Make a designated meeting area before graduation begins.
  • You cannot leave anything in the large hall during graduation.  This includes keys, purses, cameras, phones, etc.
  • You cannot carry anything, except your name card, while walking into the main hall.  Cell phones must be secured on your person.  They are not to be carried in your hand into the graduation ceremony. 
  • If you have a cell phone on your person, do not take it out during the ceremony.
  • Diplomas will be distributed: TBA. 
  • Seats cannot be saved for family members.  Seating location is on a first come first serve basis.
  • No air horns, balloons, banners, or large signs will be permitted in the Ocean Center.

Graduation caps are NOT allowed to be decorated.

If students have an issue complying with the dress code, please see Mr. Boles or Mrs. Phillips in the Student Activities Office prior to graduation.



CLEAR BAG POLICY for guests attending the graduation ceremonies:

  • Each ticket holder, including children, may carry an approved clear bag and a clutch purse:
    • One clear bag no larger than 12”x6”x12” or a one-gallon clear Ziploc, or similar, bag
    • One small clutch bag or purse no larger than 6.5”x6.5”, with or without a strap
  • Diapers and wipes may be carried in a clear bag; however, diaper bags are not permitted.
  • Additional clothing, blankets, etc. are permitted if carried loosely (preferably over the shoulder to be screened more quickly) or in an approved clear bag.
  • Small cameras, binoculars and cell phones may be carried loosely or in an approved clear bag.

Ticket information:  Graduation Tickets go on sale: TBD

If you have any special situations with regards to purchasing grad tickets on a specific date/time please call the school at 386-968-0013 and ask to speak with Mrs. Phillips. There are no extra tickets at this time.


Graduation Ticket information:

  • Graduates have free admittance. 
  • Each person that wishes to attend graduation must purchase an admission ticket for the Class of 2025 Graduation.
  • Only babies and small children that can sit on a lap are exempt from needing a ticket.
  • Each graduate will have tickets reserved for purchase; reserved tickets MUST be purchased by: TBD
  • All outstanding obligations must be paid in full before a graduate can purchase their graduation tickets. To inquire on what obligations you may owe stop by room 2B-110 during lunch time.
  • Graduation tickets go on sale TBD.
  • ONLY students may purchase graduation tickets and parking passes in the Activities Office.


On the day of graduation, each car needs to have a parking pass to park in any of the parking lots or parking garage.  Parking passes go on sale TBD.  Parking passes are: Cost $10.00 per car.  Parking passes will also be available on the day of graduation in the various lots.  Parking passes are good for any lot that the police are directing you to.  If you park in an area not covered by the Daytona Beach Police Department, you must pay.  For example, if you choose to park next to a parking meter or other paid lot, you will pay their rate.