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Marketing/Business Ownership



Click Here to View the Marketing Info Sheet

Course Objectives:

In the Marketing program students learn content that prepares them for higher education and careers in marketing, management, and entrepreneurship. The program develops marketing concepts as they apply to areas such as business, e-commerce, entertainment, fashion, finance, hospitality, law, management, sales, and sports. Hands-on projects throughout the program will allow students to work with local businesses and entrepreneurs to develop real world experiences and skills. Students can develop leadership skills while participating in many community activities, field trips and a Business Pitch Competition. Program comp


Goals of the Program:

  • · To prepare my students for real life jobs and be productive members of the community
  • · To identify marketing and business fundamentals
  • · To provide mentoring to students in a supportive classroom environment
  • · To help students make a successful transition to high school



(3) Three years enrolled in the Marketing program will make you eligible for the Bright Futures Scholarship to be applied to a Florida State School.  There are SAT and grade point requirements that must be met to meet the eligibility requirements. 





Business Ownership

Marketing Essentials

Marketing Applications

Marketing Management



CIW Social Media Strategist

Entrepreneurship & Small Business v.2





Contact Information: 

Feel free to contact our Marketing and Business Ownership Teachers with any questions.

Dr. Anne Ross

State Frameworks